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 Two ways to view demos

(1.5 mins)
attendance One-click daily check in-out
Family Data
(2 mins)
all family data records accessed from one page
(1 min)
stay connected with parents - automatically emails parents with weather forecasts for the week
Calendar + Dashboard
(1.5 mins)
full calendaring, easily define upcoming events, reminders posted on Dashboard - view operations at-a-glance!
(2.5 mins)
shows accounting features like accounts receivables, Auto-Invoices™ and much more...
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Track Immunizations With Ease

“Your software covers all the important things. I especially like the ability to track immunization records, and automatically get reminded of each child's doctor's appointments.”

Always Connected to Parents

The option to "create custom message" from the Connections module is reliable and essentially hassle-free is a godsend. With the automated weather forecast emails, parents feel even more connected with us - without lifting a finger - thank you Alpha Cares!