Ah, the beauty of Spring! Somehow, those warmer afternoons seem to renew our faith. We eagerly anticipate the scent of fresh cut grass and that sweet scent of gardenias. We all have those special things that we look forward to around this time of year. Our little ones are surely feeling cabin fever by now, too. While the time of the year is perfect, we do have those spring showers that threaten to keep us at bay during March. That doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of fun things to do. Your child care center doubles as an artist’s retreat year round – and this time of year is nothing short of inspirational, courtesy of Mother Nature. So set the logistics of running your child care business aside for an afternoon and lead the way for sunshine, fresh air and all the creative talent your little ones are capable of!
While many child care centers opt to not participate in religion-specific holidays due to the different faiths of their families, there are still themes that kids relate to this time of year. Arts and crafts projects that are colorful and incorporate a myriad of supplies with different textures are a great way to help those left in your charge to use all their senses – touch, scent, taste, etc. Feathers, cotton and even paper towel tubes make perfect supplies for the little ones to really stretch their creative senses. They’re great for those rainy days and are a perfect distraction.
For those days when the weather is cooperating, turn the outdoors play area into a shopping mecca. Hide “groceries” around the playground and encourage the little ones to use their imaginations while “grocery shopping”. The winner gets to “stock” the grocery store next time. This is a great way to include all your age groups.
If you began a project of planting bulbs or seeds in the past few months, they may be springing out of the soil. Kids love to see the results of their work. Ask Mom and Dad to bring a change of clothes and then dig in – allow children to dig their own special place in a flower bed to transplant their bulbs from the small planter to the bed itself. Teach them how to nurture their plants and how to water and feed it throughout the season.
Before long, those summer months will be here and then once again, we’ll be waiting for Old Man Winter to make his appearance yet again. For now, all here at Alpha Cares look forward to you making the best of this incredible time of year.